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A day in the life of ..

InMemoryOf (3rd May 2000)

7.45am: Turn the computers on in our Worcestershire office.

8.00am: The Financial Times prints an article about us which prompts Mike Sergeant, from Sky News, to ask for an interview with us in South Ealing, London.

9.30am: Collect a new batch of postcards from our local printer and approve artwork for new leaflets.

10.30am: Collect Mark and drive to London.

11.00am: Park the car and have a telephone interview with Bill Mouland from the Daily Mail.

12.00am: Telephone interview with Reuters.

1.00pm: Stop the car again and organise a radio interview in Worcester for 10.00pm

2.00pm: Arrive at location for filming.


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3.00pm: Leave London and head back up the M4 to the Midlands.

4.00pm: Stop on Motorway for a cup of tea and a large breakfast (first food of the day).

6.00pm: Arrive back in the office and sort through emails.

7.00pm: Watch the news item on Sky News.

9.00pm: Set off for the studios of BBC Hereford & Worcester.

9.45pm: Wait in studio to be conected to London for a live interview on BBC Radio 4.

10.25pm: Leave radio station.

12.15am: Get back to office. Check emails and reply.

12.45am: Turn computers off and leave office.

The next day in the life of InMemoryOf (4th May 2000) ...

To cut a long story short, it began at 6.45am and ended at 12.30am on the 5th of May.


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